Charities, Not For Profit Organisations & CIC


Whether you are a charity; not-for-profit organisation or Community Interest Company (CIC), our team at Raise Associates will provide you with a bespoke service to guide you along your journey, whilst ensuring that you are kept up to date with all governance, compliance and accounting regulations.

We understand the balance between keeping in line with the complex regulatory/ accounting needs while also ensuring that your charity or not-for-profit organisation is growing and developing. Let us take these pressures away from you so that you can focus on the real core missions of your charity.

Our services include:

·        Governance advice

·        Reviews of systems and processes

·        Acting as a sounding board to your management and trustees

·        Statutory services e.g. preparation of compliant accounts, independent examinations, charity taxation (inc VAT) etc.


Should you have any queries on your organisation, please do get in touch.

Any Questions? Contact us

Manchester: 3 Hardman St, Manchester, M3 3HF

☎ 0161 932 1550

Warrington: Trimble House, 9 Bold St, Warrington WA1 1DN

☎ 01925 445 445